Frage zu GPS Amaryllo Triptracker

  • Hallo Zusammen,

    das Problem ist gelöst. Hatte bei Locosys per Mail angefragt und bekam prompt eine Antwort:

    The utility (Navilink/Firmware Updater) software may encounter compatibility problems when running on Vista OS.
    Most of the problems are related to User Account Control (UAC) .
    There are three ways to solve the problems:
    (1)Reinstall the utility in a "private" folder like "c:\LOCOSYS"
    (2)Run the utility with Administrator privilege
    Just right-click on the utility icon and select ‘Run as administrator’
    (3)Disable UAC

    Please refer to Q7/Q8/Q9 in the attached FAQ document.
    The latest NAVILINKII (V2.33) can be downloaded from here:…VILINK_Installer_V233.rar

    Ich führe NAVILINKII als admin aus und alles läuft.

    Gruss an Alle!:)
