Karo wurde in Lüderitz schon mehrfach verletzt, und zwar schwer. Trotzdem freut sie sich auf das Event. Einfach weil das - wie gesagt - geil ist
Posts by Tatyana
Karo van Tonder: Vorfreude auf Lüderitz
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Paar Bilder von Speed DM in Orth. Leider von gestern.
Zweiter Tag bei der Speed DM: wieder zuwenig Wind für eine Wertung, dafür aber ein wunderschöner Sonnenuntergang.
Ruhe vor dem Sturm
Erster Tag von Speed DM auf Fehmarn:
Es gab "General recall". Normalerweise gibt so was beim Frühstart. Da am Ende kein Surfer disqualifiziert wurde, haben wohl die Judges sich geirrt... Die haben die Videoaufnahmen genau angeschaut.
Nico Goyard über seinen Olympia Auftriit:
"I am okay 🐻
Not the Games I expected… I came here ready, technically, physically… But the more I think about it, the more I realise that I’ve not been driven enough by the Games themselves.
The journey have been amazing, developing our amazing @iqfoilclass, getting qualified for France, training harder than ever for 6 months with an amazing team around me.
But, and that’s a big BUT, what have driven me the whole time was the journey in itself, the evolution, the planning, the analysis.
So when the Games were about to start, I was ready, as a technical, physical athlete, but the mind was off… Or at least not enough « ON ».
Then during that regatta, we faced so many management mistakes from race committee, disregarding the sailors, coaches experience. So many examples showing unprofessionalism from WS.
Even though I know it shouldn’t have affected me in my racing, I got disgusted race after race by how things were run. To the point where I disconnected, I didn’t want to push, didn’t want to race.
Of course, I am proud of what we did in our class, and to see it being mistreated in that way… It hurts me more than I wish it did.
So yeah, I gave up on the most important competition in the world… Because the values that are driving me to compete and push my 100% were (in my eyes) not there.
I am disappointed, sad and sorry not to have anticipated that… Sorry to have been working so hard, and to have made a whole team working so hard, for in the end such a poor result…
I need some time to step back, and decide what to focus on next.
I’ll surely go for another campaign, but I’ll have to work on it from a different approach.
I want sailing to be great, and what WS have done that past week was everything but great. It is time to change things in the way the sailing world is run ✊
I want to congratulate all my fellow competitors with whom we’ve all been training so hard. It was a pleasure to experience that with all of you ❤️
Thank you to all the support messages I’ve received for the past 2 weeks, thank you all 🐻"
Bei ARD Mediathek geht die Entscheidung schon los. Erster Start ab 12:30.
Nach heutigen drei Rennen kommt im Endergebnis Sebastian Kördel auf Platz 12 und Theresa Steinlein auf Platz 8. Sie ist also morgen im Finale dabei!
Es findet morgen von 14 bis 16 Uhr statt.
Wie Dominik schon gesagt hat:
In Schedule sind heute die Wettfahrten bis 15. bei den Herren bis 16. bei den Damen von 12:03 bis 14:27 gelistet.
...ich kenne nur den Namen Fehmarnhalse/wende und die gilt gleichermaßen für Wulfen und Gold....
Wird wohl an beiden Spots gleich praktiziert.
Jo... Und in Orth. Hab ich auch dort bei einem Heizer gesehen. Laberte mich voll von " über 50km/h" und hielt mit seine Uhr 10cm vor die Augen, aber hat NUR die Wulfener Halse praktiziert.
In dem Fall wäre wohl die "normale" Halse kontraproduktiv
Ich meine die Disziplin, nicht den Surfer.
Kleiner Nachtrag. Ich bin seit Donnerstag auf Fehmarn und ich konnte Tribal drei Tage lang testen - wegen seiner Länge und Form läuft es mit Grasfinne genau so hoch und frei, wie am Binnensee. Auch Höhelaufen und Kontrolle war kein Problem. Da es primär für die Ostsee gekauft wurde, bin ich voll zufrieden!
Zitat aus dem Netz:
"PWA Priority: Wave Pro > Wave U21 > Wave U18 > Wave U15 > Wave U13 > Master O40 > Master O45 > Master O50 > Pozo Kids Optimist Race > Youth Parents Paddle Race > Slalom X Pro"
Thank you, Erik, for the nice additional info, which I can only agree with.
Really, your earlier post about Tribal boards was the reason, why I have chosen a Radix. I am very happy about it – it is really an outstanding board. Thank you very much!
I have greatly enjoyed the Radix ride from the very first second, I didn’t need to adjust anything. I put the foot straps all the way back and the mast track in the middle (I had a “normal” 30,5 cm Chopper slalom fin) and the board felt immediately very natural and well balanced for me. Maybe because I have ridden previously for many years “old school” narrow and long slalom boards, like 1996 RRD Anders Bringdal which was 75 l and 270 cm long and 2000 F2 Peter Thommen which was 95 l and 275 cm long. Afterwards it took me a couple of months to get used to the new style wide slalom boards, which I have found in the end to possess a better overall performance, especially upwind, in lulls and in gybes. For me it was a direct comparison between F2 Thommen 95 l and RRD X-fire V3 90 l, which I have forgotten to add to the long list above (mea culpa!) and which was my favorite board for many years afterwards. And nowadays I spend 90% of my surf time on the water on a foil, which demands a completely different technique, so I believe my body became pretty versatile.
P.S. Sorry to use English in this thread, but I have written the review above for the Tribal webpage and I was too lazy to translate it to German...
This is a first board from Tribal that I have bought.
Short notice about myself: I am surfing for the last thirty years. I am freeride and speed oriented surfer, participating in online and “live” speed events. Being a woman I am relatively light (58 kg) and small (165 cm). I have used previously following small slalom boards: Patrik Slalom 87 l, Patrik Slalom Airinside 95 l, Goya proton 96 l, pre-Bringdal Mistral Slalom 80 l (2008?), RRD Anders Bringdal Slalom 75 l, Patrik Speed 80 l, Tabou Manta 74 l, F2 Thommen 95 l.
I have tried last month 63-liter Mistral speed board shaped by Chris Lockwood and I was really impressed by it! I was looking for the new small slalom board, and as soon as I have got to know that Tribal boards are shaped by Chris Lockwood I have ordered the Radix 88. I do not ride true slalom races, so I was looking for a fast freeride board, which I can use for fun and for some speed runs in medium wind and real-world conditions.
The board has arrived very carefully packed: a thick cardboard box outside, then a cardboard honeycomb structure, which protected the board, which was lying inside a board good quality bag. The board is very light and the build quality is simply immaculate! Lying in the living room it was looking like a candy – simply irresistible!
As soon as the wind conditions have allowed me to use a 6.3 slalom sail I have taken the Radix to the local lake near Leipzig. The wind conditions here are normally pretty bad: the wind is very gusty – it means the gusts are pretty short and vary in strength from 10 to 30 knots multiple times on one leg. All the lakes here were previously an open brown coal mines – it means that they are pretty deep, normally around 50 m deep. As the wind picks up a pretty large chop and small rolling waves appear very quickly.
As soon as the first light gust arrived I have pumped the Radix on the plane and I have immediately recognized the feeling I know from the Mistral speed board. Even underpowered the board rides very high and free above the water having a great glide. Still it has a very directional feeling and it is always level to the water. Even when the wind picked up and the chop has built up the feeling still remained the same – the board was flying free and very controllable above the chop inviting to push your limits in every gust. Of course, I have accepted an invitation and I have immediately broken an old Saxonian speed record riding the whole 2 km faster which is really unbelievable in terms of speed surfing!
The Radix planes really early for its size and glides through lulls effortlessly, riding so high above the water and having so little water resistance. Tacking and jibing were also very easy and comfortable. The slalom riding stance is very natural on all courses. And the foot straps are very comfortable and still hard enough to control and rail the board.
All in all it is really a brilliant board offering a great combination of effortless gliding and control, which I was looking for a long time. It has a free feeling and acceleration of a speed board without sacrifices one has to make when riding a true speed board.
Ich finde, dass absolut alle Boardhersteller die neuen Carbon Boards bei der Lieferung so ähnlich verpacken sollen. Dann gehen die recht teuere Stücke beim Transport nicht kaputt.
Ein Boardbag soll zu jedem empfindlichen Board gehören, genauso wie z. B. ein Finnencover bei einer Carbon Finne.
Ich habe schon mehrmals einen beschädigten Karton mit einem neuen teuren Board bekommen – jedes Mal war es ein Schreckmoment! Das letzte Mal hat das bestimmt unser Totti erlebt:
Gestern traf bei mir ein neues Slalom Board von Tribal ein, und da erlebte ich eine positive Überraschung. Jedes Tribal Slalom und Speed Board wird serienmäßig in einem stabilen Boardbag geliefert. Darüber wurde ganzflächig eine dicke Wabenverpackung aus Karton angebracht, und drauf noch einen stabilen Karton.
Bei den heutigen Boardpreisen finde ich die ganze Idee absolut belobungswert!