Severne HGO 8.0 vs. Foilglide 2 8.0

  • The Maverx masts do add a little bit more power to NP sails. the two work well together in effect it is similar to rigging a NP sail on a NP mast but with 1cm less downhaul. Some heavier sailors prefer it while some lighter sailors may find they loose some top end from the sail but gain some light wind power.

    The 8.0 Patrik rigs as I would expect it 183420998_772746836760271_7674856728564006940_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=atAd-T9ltlEAX-usJfT&_nc_ht=scontent.fman2-2.fna&oh=b234c212a823767098312a85d6bf9d03&oe=60BDEA55

  • more downhaul. Looks like the batten at the boom needs more tension. Cam batten 8 +2 spacer, cam batten 7+1 spacer.

    Mastpocket ist much too loose! Dose not need to be super tight but straight